What Are The Commonly Prescribed Drugs For Schizophrenia?
Schizophrenia is a psychological condition that affects the thinking, feeling and responding ability of the affected individual. People who have schizophrenia, experience hallucinations and also face difficulty in expressing normal emotions at social gatherings.
It is diagnosed via physical exams, tests & screenings, and a psychiatric evaluation of the patient.
It requires lifelong treatment even after subsidizing of the symptoms. The most common treatment includes Chlorpromazine HCl and Trimipramine Maleate. Treatment with these medicines alongside psychosocial therapy helps to keep the symptoms of schizophrenia in control.
In extreme cases of schizophrenia, the patient may be required to be hospitalized. The experienced psychiatrists guide patients and motivate them to feel and think positively in social gatherings.
Besides an experienced psychiatrist, the patient should also take help from a social worker and psychiatric nurse. The full-team approach is available at clinics meant for schizophrenia treatment.
Drugs Available to Treat Schizophrenia
Though schizophrenia is a genetic disorder that can’t be cured, there are drugs available that keep the symptoms of the disease under control and help patients live a normal life. When patients stop taking medicine, the symptoms recur and affect his/her normal behavior.
Chlorpromazine HCl and Trimipramine Maleate are two of the most effective drugs as far as the treatment of this mental condition is concerned. They are antipsychotic medications that form the cornerstone of schizophrenia treatment. They are very effective in controlling the symptoms themselves by keeping neurotransmitter dopamine in check.
The goal of treatment with antipsychotic medications like Chlorpromazine HCl and Trimipramine Maleate is to effectively manage the signs and symptoms of this brain disorder at the lowest possible dose.
Some doctors also prescribe anti-anxiety and antidepressants to patients. It may take several weeks to see improvements in the symptoms of schizophrenia.
Schizophrenic patients should ask their doctors about the side effects of the medications like Chlorpromazine HCl and Trimipramine Maleate, they prescribe to them. The people taking care of Schizophrenic patients should motivate them rather than rebuking or scolding them for their actions. They may sometimes show aggressive behavior because they are not under control.
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