Nortriptyline HCL for Depressive Disorders

Nortriptyline HCL for Depressive Disorders

Feeling sad, moody or low intensely for prolonged period of time without any apparent reason, is Depression. At least that is what we commonly call it as. Depression, although, is much more than just feeling sad, it is a medical condition. Affecting physical as well as mental health, depression makes managing things difficult as each day passes. Now, as we know that depression is a disorder, it needs to be treated medically too.

Medication for Neurological Disorders

There are different stages of this disease, and when you have reached the stage where nothing but medicine can heal you, go for it. Most of the people who are suffering from depressive disorders are aware of the TCAs. Tricyclic antidepressants are widely prescribed for the clinical treatment of major depressive disorders. Nortriptyline HCL is the drug which one needs in order to inhibit depressive disorders.
It is sold under the brand names Aventyl, Noritren, Pamelor amongst others. Pamelor acts by restoring the balance to the mood regulatory chemicals in brain. Nortriptyline HCL present in Pamelor or Aventyl, is in most of the cases is used to treat the symptoms of impulsivity as well as hyperactivity. 

How is Pamelor better?

All other Attention deficit/ Hyperactivity disorder medications are stimulants. These however can be effective but are habit-forming as observed in most of the cases. These stimulants cause lack of sleep, also known as insomnia. Pamelor, on the other hand, is effective in treating depression and anxiety disorders. Also, Nortriptyline HCL helps a person to sleep better which doesn’t happen in the case of stimulants.

If you are prescribed with the tricyclic antidepressants, Nortriptyline HCL is the drug which should be taken to combat the depressive disorders.


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